Title: Color-Changing Cat Unicorn Mug 300ml – Gift Idea
General description of the Color-Changing Cat Unicorn Mug 300ml – Gift Idea
Headline: Unique Design
Sell the marketing point of the Color-Changing Cat Unicorn Mug 300ml – Gift Idea
Headline: Thermosensitive Feature
Detail the thermosensitive feature of the Color-Changing Cat Unicorn Mug 300ml – Gift Idea
Headline: Technical Specifications
- Original design
- Excellent gift idea
- Material: Porcelain ceramic
- Color: White and Black
- Capacity: 300 ml
This Color-Changing Cat Unicorn Mug transforms its appearance when hot water is poured inside, making it a thermosensitive mug. An ideal gift for any occasion, especially for a friend who adores cats and unicorns. The mug features a black cat with a unicorn horn on its head, and includes the English text “Good days start with a coffee and cat”. Enjoy FREE delivery on this unique product that comes ready to be shipped.
Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back within 30 days of receiving your package. Cuisine au Top, based in France, offers competitive prices without any intermediaries. For inquiries, contact us at contact@cuisineautop.com, and our team will respond promptly within 24 to 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.